TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 4/11/24:

VIGILANTE: Colombia Half Caff, Caturra, Castillo, Colombia, & Dos Mil varietals, Washed & Sugarcane Decaff process, medium roast…smooth. Yeah, smooth. Peru Cajamarca, Typica and Caturra varietals, washed process, light roast….and they had a Kona, too, but they sold out fast.

RYAN BROS.: Brazil; Old Town Mexicano; Coronado Moonlight blend.

MODERN TIMES: Costa Rica Romelia bourbon barrel aged, medium roast. Also, a decaff, but the name was unclear….

MIXED GROUNDS: Brazil Oberon Blend, Mundo Novo, Catuai and Bourbon varietals; medium roast.\

ELIXIR: Screaming Goat Espresso.

THREE LEGS: Aspen’s Blend.

ORIGEN: Peru Finca D’Dago, Bourbon, Typica, Catuaí, Caturra, Catimor varietals, washed process, organic.