TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 4/30/34: COFFEE ‘N TALK: Papua New Guinea; Brazil dark roast; Colombia supremo; Costa Rica. DAYMAR: Costa Rica La Minita; Jamaica Blue Mountain; Espresso Grato. TORQUE: Guatemala Finca Vista Hermosa espresso reserve. INFLECTION POINT: Hawaii Ka’u Coffee Mill washed process city roast. THREE LEGS:Continue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 4/29/24: MODERN TIMES: Colombia Sierra Nevada single origin washed process, light roast, organic. MIXED GROUNDS: China Guiben Farm, Yunnan, natural process, catimor varietal, light roast. Chinese coffees are as yet unusual here; that will change due to the growth of Chinese planting inContinue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 4/26/24: DAVID’S ROASTING: Papua New Guinea, Colombia and Costa Rica “Half and Half” Dark/Light roast blend, in an Italian style. San Diego doesn’t have many roasters who create Italian style roasts; this one seems intriguing. Less caffeine, more body and suitable for anyContinue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 4/25/24: STEADY STATE: Panama Jamillo Pacamara; this coffee is a rare bean and one that is unusually hard to cultivate, process and roast correctly. Pacamara varietal, natural process (thankfully, a natural process on this one) and light roast.  Brewed best with a V60Continue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 4/24/24: MODERN TIMES: Half Caff Midnight Showing; Colombia bourbon barrel aged, washed process light roast Mind Maze; Colombia Sierra Nevada single origin. ELIXIR: Screaming Goat espresso. MOSTRA: Phillippine “Mama Bear” brew for Mother’s Day. Dark roast as is usually better for most PhillippineContinue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEE roasted in San Diego on 4/23/24: RYAN BROS.: Papua New Guinea Purosa fair trade, dark roast. GOT HEMPSA: Coronado Beach Coffee; Colombian medium roast infused with 500 mg CBD per bag. BIRD ROCK: Ecuador Hacienda la Papaya, Typica varietal, natural process, light roast. Also, the same coffee followingContinue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEE roasted in San Diego on 4/22/24: NOTE: A short essay on the baristi’s job appears at the end of today’s listings. ASCEND: Agaro light roast; Loloru dark roast; Night Cap half decaf. ACENTO: Ethiopia Sidamo; Brazil Fazendo Rios; Media Luz half caff blend. BREW SPOT: Indonesia Java mediumContinue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 4/19/24: NOTE: An open letter from Better Buzz baristi follows today’s coffee listings. BIRD ROCK: Guatemala La Providencia Maragogype varietal (Elephant Bean) light roast (big surprise there) small lot of this tricky little coffee available from this afternoon. MODERN TIMES: Colombia Sierra NevadaContinue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 4/18/24: MEMLI COFFEE LAB: Colombia El Placer Gesha varietal white honey process. ASCEND: New Guinea half decaf single origin, dark roast. MODERN TIMES: Colombia bourbon barrel aged single origin “Mind Maze”; Ethiopia/New Guinea 90/10 Black House blend preferred for pour over or filter cupContinue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 4/17/24: INFLECTION POINT: Hawai’i Kau Coffee Mill washed extra fancy; this means that these are the largest beans with the fewest defects.  It’s their highest grade primo coffee. COMPA: Kenya Kirimiri MANZANITA: Guatemala Huehuetenango Gesha varietal, washed process. This is a rare bean;Continue Reading