TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 5/2/24:

WIPEOUT: Guatemala organic light roast.

SEVEN SEAS: Mexico Chiapas El Buho, caturra, bourbon sarchimor varietals, washed process, medium roast. Kenya Baragwi Kariru,  SL 28, Ruiru 11, SL 34 varietals, washed process, medium roast.

BIRD ROCK: May is for causes at Birdy’s, and this month’s coffees roasted from today will help benefit Hawaiian relief efforts for those affected by the wildfires last year. These are Colombia/Guatemala “Dawn Patrol” washed process, light roast; also, the coffee formerly known there as French Roast, and is now called “Midnight Surf”; castillo, columbia and caturra varietals, light roasted, also contributes a portion of sales to relief. The smoke and heat burbles on Morena Boulevard are those coffees being fired up today.

STONE COFFEE: Ethiopia Bekele Belachew Lot No.2 single origin, medium roast; 74110, 74112, and Heirloom varietals, the numbered one are a relatively recent development of cross breeding in the late ’70’s and able to stand the strains of climate change. The Black Label coffees at Stone will conform to a given taste profile; this means that seasonal changes of varietals will be used to maintain the desired taste characteristics. Available today.


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