TODAY’S COFFEES 3/5/21: RYAN BROTHERS COFFEES: Indonesia SUMATRA, ETHIOPIAN and KENYA AA. NOSTALGIA COFFEE ROASTERS: RWANDA Ummaga, single origin, women-owned finca.  OB BEANS: House blend of medium roast MEXICAN and EL SALVADORAN; Espresso 1502; blend of PERU & ETHIOPIAN. Available today. OBbeans.comContinue Reading

COFFEES ANTICIPATED IN LOCAL MARKETS as of 3/4/21: Indonesia SUMATRA fair trade organic, in transit now. Fair trade MEXICO Chiapas. PERU Mishagro fair trade organic. GUATEMALA Coffee Kids Huehuetenango. INDIA Monsooned Malabar. Papua NEW GUINEA Mile High A Grade. MEXICO Muxbal Estate Rainforest Alliance. Tanzania ZANZIBAR Peaberry Plus. These andContinue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES; 3/4/21: PANNIKIN LEUCADIA, Pannikin Blend. ALPINE COFFEE COMPANY, Espresso blend, Yrgacheffe blueberry blend, French Vanilla; prices range $15 – $17/lb. Available today. BAREFOOT COFFEE Solana Beach, Brazilian Red Cab, Yrgacheffe Ethiopian light roast, Peru medium roast, Beast blend of Latin Americans, dark roast. Price range $15 – $21/12Continue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES: 3/3/21: LIBRA COFFEE; Bali, natural process (if not today, tomorrow’s roast) REVOLUTION ROASTERS; Ethiopian, $21/lb. Also, Colombian limiteds.  Continue Reading