TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 5/3/23: JAUNT: Mexico Chiapas; Peru Amazonas; 130 Blend. CROWBEARD: Sumatra light roast; Honduras light roast; Colombia french roast decaf. BREW COFFEE SPOT: Peru Juan Santos; STEADY STATE: Colombia La Cruz Caturra; Colombia El Mirador Tabi. MODERN TIMES: Steady Hand decaf single origin; ShadowContinue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 5/2/23: MEMLI COFFEE LAB: (through May)–Ecuador–Ethiopia varietal Red Honey, Pillcocoja Lot 12;  Pillcocaja Lot 5 – Typica Natural, natural method; Pillcocaja Lot 6 – Typica Washed in very limited quantity, which will be available in May-June. This lot is processed using the washedContinue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 5/1/23: TORQUE: Democratic Republic of Congo Mapendo Congo Fair Trade Organic washed process. BIRD ROCK: Colombia Cerro los Tamales, washed process, Pacamara varietal. PURDY: Light roast Remy; Medium roast Milo. FLOWER POT: Pink Cloud house blend; Colombia Excelso. http://flowerpotcafe.orgContinue Reading