TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 5/13/24: MODERN TIMES: Ethiopia/Papua New Guinea Black House Blend. Natural/washed process dark(er) roast. This one looks promising at 90/10 ratio. Recommended as a pour over by them; we recommend filter cup with this one. THREE LEGS: Pink Cloud espresso; Movie Theatre; Dos MujeresContinue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 5/1/0/24: RYAN BROS.: Cowboy Coffee, Mother’s Day Blend. COZY CANINE: Guatemala La Voz, washed process, City roast. MEMLI COFFEE LAB: Ethiopia Guji Neja Fadil, 74110, 74112, Dega, Wolisho varietals, Double Washed for 48 hours process, Shaded and slow dried for up to 10 days. STONE:Continue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 5/9/24: WIPEOUT COFFEE: Nicaragua, French (dark) roast, Guatemala huehuetenango, CAFFE CALABRIA: Ethiopia, French roast, Sumatra and blended water process decaf. SEVEN SEAS: Roaster’s Choice blend; Mexico Siltepec. COFFEE & TEA COLLECTIVE: Kenya Karatu Peaberry, washed process, light roast. Available in 5 lb. bags.Continue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 5/8/24: JAUNT: Colombia/Ethiopia 130 Blend, City (medium/light) roast, natural and washed process. Cold Brew blend. Mexico, Papua New Guinea and Colombia; Bourbon, Caturra and Typica varietals, washed process, dark(er) roast. DARK HORSE: Guatemala Antigua This is Our Dark Roast blend, bourbon varietal, directContinue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 5/7/24: MIXED GROUNDS: Brazil Oberon, Mundo Novo, Catuaí and Bourbon varietals, Full City medium roast. China Guiden, Yunnan province, catimor varietal, natural process light roast. VIGILANTE: Hawaiian Kona, Onila Farm, Kona Typica and Caturra varietals, washed process, certified organic, Full City mediumContinue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 5/6/24: COFFEE & TEA COLLECTIVE: Kenya Karatu Peaberry, SL28, SL34 varietals, washed process, light roast. “Kenya Peaberry” lights up our senses; they say they roast on Tuesday but they looked like they were at it this morning… MODERN TIMES: Ethiopia Sidamo, bourbon barrelContinue Reading

COFFEES ARRIVED AT U.S. PORTS IN APRIL: Columbia ANEI fairtrade organic Costa Rica San Rafael Terrazu Guatemala fairtrade organic Honduras NKG Bloom organic Mexico Union Ramal Santa Cruz fairtrade organic Peru strictly high grown organic G1 Uganda NKG Bloom Silverback washed process Tanzania Zanzibar PeaberryContinue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 5/2/24: WIPEOUT: Guatemala organic light roast. SEVEN SEAS: Mexico Chiapas El Buho, caturra, bourbon sarchimor varietals, washed process, medium roast. Kenya Baragwi Kariru,  SL 28, Ruiru 11, SL 34 varietals, washed process, medium roast. BIRD ROCK: May is for causes at Birdy’s, andContinue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 5/1/24: BIRD ROCK: The big news at Birdy’s is that a few of their nomeclatures are changing. French Roast is no longer known by the accurate, dependable name it’s ever had and is now “Midnight Surf”. Still the same Colombia/Indonesia dark roast washedContinue Reading

TODAY’S COFFEES roasted in San Diego on 4/30/34: COFFEE ‘N TALK: Papua New Guinea; Brazil dark roast; Colombia supremo; Costa Rica. DAYMAR: Costa Rica La Minita; Jamaica Blue Mountain; Espresso Grato. TORQUE: Guatemala Finca Vista Hermosa espresso reserve. INFLECTION POINT: Hawaii Ka’u Coffee Mill washed process city roast. THREE LEGS:Continue Reading